I am Claudio and these are my blog posts. You may also want to know me a little bit better or just contact me. Enjoy your stay!
I am Claudio and these are my blog posts. You may also want to know me a little bit better or just contact me. Enjoy your stay!
โ Dopo una visita di una settimana nella cittร che non dorme mai, ho raccolto qui qualche indicazione, qualche riflessione, qualche sciocchezza.
โ After a week-long visit to the city that never sleeps, I've gathered some tips, reflections, and nonsense to share.
โ Let's take a moment to talk about password security, starting with a somewhat absurd example to clear up an issue that has constantly bothered me.
โ Yet another starter kit from yours truly; this time we talk HTMX, JSX and Fastify!
โ How I got lost in a simple idea.
More posts can be found in โ The Archive โ